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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Barack Obama is a Marxist

Back in 1980 Barack Obama was an ardent Marxist according to Dr. John Drew who met with the future President. Dr. Drew goes on to say: "I can definitely kick down some doors here intellectually by nailing down that he had a very consistent ideology, probably from the time that he was [in Hawaii] until he was there with Alice Palmer and Bill Ayers in Chicago. I think his current behavior demonstrates that he does still have these ideological convictions. Whenever he talks about taxing the richest two percent, I think even though he knows that will harm the economy -- to him, that redistribution of wealth is still extremely important. And I think the problem here is that he never studied political science or economics the way I did. He just went straight to law school." Learn more in this article from the American Thinker. Do you remember on the campaign trail when candidate Obama spoke about "spreading the wealth" and how he is trying to do that today via the American Con Job Act?

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