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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Individuals vs the collective

Obama's Osawatomie speech reflects Indonesian rather than American values in one additional important way: Americans have always valued individualism over collectivism, while Indonesians prefer collectivism over individualism. Obama's speech was an ode to collectivism and a rejection of American individualism.
Read more:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Obama endangering America

When Obama took office, Iran had barely enough enriched uranium for one nuclear bomb; today it has nearly 5,000 kilograms of enriched uranium, sufficient for six nuclear bombs. Before Obama took office, the radicals in Iran had not dared to enrich further than the 3.5 percent level, fearing a U.S. backlash, but now they are not only openly further enriching uranium to the 20 percent level, which is 80 percent of the work needed for nuclearization, but have also announced their intention to triple that production, in further defiance of U.N. mandates.

Read more:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Rhetoric versus reality

Obama's speeches that "we can't wait" for jobs and leaders to act hypocrisy, flys in the face of his political decision not to create jobs with the Keystone pipeline.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Socialism vs Capitalism

Obama bashing America trend

ABC News reported today "Obama told a group of CEOs today that the United States has gotten “lazy” and that America lost its hunger in promoting itself in a global marketplace." This trend of blaming America is not what a leader should aspire to do. Remember when he called Americans "soft" and also that we lost our "ambition"?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Occupy Logic

Robbing Peter to pay Paul inevitably makes us all poor. Read this.

The worst President

Ronald Reagan used to say that liberals know only how to tax and spend. If there was ever a man who embodies that aphorism, it is Barack Obama. He has no clue as to how a free-market economy works or why it produces economic prosperity. Obama continues to insist that government should determine what energy technologies we're going to have. Thus the debacle of Solyndra. Five hundred million dollars went down the drain needlessly. Government can't pick winners because it doesn't know how to do so. If a centrally planned socialist system worked, it would have produced prosperity in China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea. It didn't. Only a free-market system knows how to efficiently distribute resources. Read this and this.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

OWS and the Tea Party

Does Occupy Wall Street share anything in common with the Tea Party?

What are some of Occupy Wall Street's guiding principles? Pitting people who make over $300,000 (the 1%) against their friends and family who make less (the 99%)? Pitting employers against employees? The OWS crowd opposes Wall Street bailouts, but supports massive government intervention in the economy and bailouts for mortgage and college debt. They say they oppose crony capitalism but support government takeover of major sectors of the economy. They oppose income inequality but don't explain how making people less wealthy will help the "99%."

Read more:

Halloween at the Obama's

Monday, October 17, 2011

This is OWS

President Obama supports the Occupy Wall Street crowd along with the American Nazi Party and the Communist Socialist Party. It makes me want to use the bathroom.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Attorney General of the USA is a liar

Documents have surfaced proving AG Eric Holder lied to Congress about when he knew about Operation Fast and Furious.
Read this recap of Fast and Furious.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Obamacare lies

The results are coming in on the lies, and that is a harsh word, perpetrated on the American public by Obamacare. Read this article.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hypocrite in Chief and the media

When Barack Obama ran for President he and most of the mainstream media condemned President Bush's policies on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Guantanamo, and the treatment of enemy prisoners. Starting a Libyan war while ignoring Syrian attrocities, keeping Guantanamo open, and with the recent killings of Anwar al-Aulaqi and Samir Khan, both American citizens, who were afforded no rights of due process, the silence of the media and the hypocrisy of the Commander in Chief is transparent and unconscionable.

President blames America

President Obama blames America for being "soft" the past decades and that a lot of things need to get done to get back to being great again. How about starting with a leader who will make the tough choices to stop spending money we don't have, fix entitlements, rally the country together instead of pitting poor against rich? This is Jimmy Carter all over again with his scolding of America in his "malaise speech."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bogus Obama debt chart

I was emailed this chart this week as proof Obama has not run up the debt. In fact President Obama has accumulated more debt in the three years he has been in office than Presidents George Washington through George H.W. Bush combined. With a little research this is also what I found.
The real debt king chart.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Solyndragate 101

This video explains succinctly what the Solyndra scandal is to the Obama administration. The mainstream media continues to protect this President from increasing levels of corruption that will eventually encompass and engulf his legacy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hi I'm Barack Obama!

The President embarrassed himself and the United States in this picture at the UN today. Read this article on the many other gaffes he has committed.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Barack Obama is a Marxist

Back in 1980 Barack Obama was an ardent Marxist according to Dr. John Drew who met with the future President. Dr. Drew goes on to say: "I can definitely kick down some doors here intellectually by nailing down that he had a very consistent ideology, probably from the time that he was [in Hawaii] until he was there with Alice Palmer and Bill Ayers in Chicago. I think his current behavior demonstrates that he does still have these ideological convictions. Whenever he talks about taxing the richest two percent, I think even though he knows that will harm the economy -- to him, that redistribution of wealth is still extremely important. And I think the problem here is that he never studied political science or economics the way I did. He just went straight to law school." Learn more in this article from the American Thinker. Do you remember on the campaign trail when candidate Obama spoke about "spreading the wealth" and how he is trying to do that today via the American Con Job Act?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The President and the Solyndragate Scandal

I wrote a while back that the illegal Fast and Furious scandal was this President's "Iran-Contra" scandal. There is now brewing a new scandal I call Solyndragate. President Barack Obama is involved personally with favoring this company which recently went bankrupt costing taxpayers potentially $535 million dollars.
Read this article from the Week. This was to be Obama's poster child for green jobs but now reeks with the stench of Chicago corrupt crony capitalism. I hope for change.

Obama wants you to be a snitch

The Obama administration launched a new website called designed for Americans to snitch on their fellow Americans. This website is sourced by liberal organizations like Think Progress and George Soros's funded Media Matters. This is a dangerous and troubling development in our country's history more reminiscent of totalitarian governments. What lengths this President will go to ensure his reelection in 2012 is incredible. Read this article from the The way to combat this is to mock that website.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The American "Con" Jobs Act

Tonight's major "Jobs Speech" called the "American Jobs Act" by President Obama was a con job designed to fool the country with another $447 Billion dollar Keynesian spending stimulus paid for with increased taxes. It was a classic campaign reelection speech set up for Obama to blame Congress if they did not "pass" it right away, which he mentioned 15 times. Some ideas merit consideration such as lowering taxes on small businesses and reforming Medicare, but the majority of ideas proposed were previous failed policies of "shovel ready" construction jobs, unemployment insurance extensions, temporary payroll tax cuts, all paid for (he will conveniently announce a week from Monday but he hinted) by the old tax the rich program Warren Buffett calls for. Blah, blah, blah,...Arghhh!

Facts are facts

This President bemoans the mess he inherited from George W. Bush and his supporters buy it. The fact is that every President inherits their predecessors policies but history judges the current occupant for their performance. These are the historic numbers of the current POTUS. Michael J Boskin is an economics professor at Stanford and wrote this article in today's Wall Street Journal.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The truth shall set you free

Talk is cheap

Operation Slow and Steady

The mainstream media is slowly but steadily catching on to the Fast and Furious scandal. CBS News reported on the links to the White House and Human Events wrote a great article today. Click on to this link in which AG Eric Holder talked about Project Gunrunner which morphed into the illegal Operation Fast and Furious.

Huntsman vs Romney

This video compares the record of both Governors. This article is also a great read why Jon Huntsman is different.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Obama shoveling...

Today at a Labor Day event in Detroit President Obama previewed a little of his "Jobs Speech" he was going to deliver Thursday to a joint session of Congress and the country. Compared to the results on the economy Gov. Perry had in Texas, Obama's speech sure stunk! Haven't we heard this somewhere before?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

"A guy who lives in my neighborhood"

Asked during the 2008 presidential campaign about his relationship with the left-wing radical Bill Ayers, Barack Obama replied that Ayers was just "a guy who lives in my neighborhood." This article in The American Spectator goes on to explore the relationship and association Barack Obama had with unrepentant terrorists.

Huntsman on CBS


Would you agree that you are the product of your environment, your upbringing, your education, and your associations? Well, if you were brought up in a liberal household, educated by liberal teachers, watch the liberal media and liberal Hollywood and hang out with liberal friends is it no surprise your thinking is what it is? This is what led to the election of Barack Obama in 2008 with the mainstream media leading the way. Garbage In Garbage Out.

Friday, September 2, 2011

White House linked to Fast and Furious

It was revealed today thru emails that the White House knew about the illegal operation known as Fast and Furious. Why the mainstream media is not investigating this incredible scandal is indicative of just how corrupt and untrustworthy journalism has become today. Only a few outlets are covering this story, like the LA Times and Fox News.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Road Ahead

We are at crossroads in history. What is the path America will choose going forward? Please read this exceptional article in the Wall Street Journal by Shelby Steele, senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institute.

New Huntsman Ad

The Childish President

In an obvious move to anger Republicans, the President scheduled his upcoming "speech on jobs" for Sept. 7th at 8PM. That would conflict with the previously scheduled Republican debate on MSNBC. Without getting approval from both Houses of Congress the POTUS has set up another political battle he is sure to lose. Already House Speaker John Boehner and Senator Jim DeMint have called for rescheduling to Sept 8th which I'm sure the President will have to accept despite his tactics. This is why Americans hate politicians who, despite being downgraded, continue to act like children.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ATF Director scapegoat for Fast and Furious

In an apparent move to distance themselves from Operation Fast and Furious, the DOJ demoted acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson today. Also resigning was the US Attorney for Arizona and other top officials where the botched program originated. Read this article from CNN and watch this video on Fox's Greta Van Susteren's show.

Preview of President's jobs plan

The President gave an interview to Brian Williams of NBC News regarding his upcoming "plan" for jobs. The only problem with the interview was that it occured one year ago! No hope no change.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Affirmative Action President and the Domestic Terrorist

Do you ever wonder why President Barack Obama refuses to release his grades or LSAT scores from college? Obama wrote at Harvard "I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career..." This is the smoking gun in Obama's own words that have snared him. Read his own letter and connect the dots yourself.
This article in The American Thinker dispells the notion that Obama is an accomplished writer. Even Bill Ayers, Barack Obama's unrepentant domestic terrorist mentor, admitted to writing "Dreams From My Father" four years later. The mainstream media never uncovered or bothered to thoroughly investigate these questions. By doing a simple Google search you will find this and this out. Why is it OK to demand academic records and scrutinize associations of past Democratic or Republican Presidents and current Republican presidential candidates but never vet our current AA President?

Obama's greatest gaffes and goofs

This article goes on to list (so far) the President's gaffes and goofs on video.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Reaganomics vs Obamanomics

In this Wall Street Journal article author Stephen Moore compares and contrasts two different President's economic policies for the United States. This is the central question we as a nation have to decide and vote on in 2012. The approach of "Supply side economics" or "Keynesian economics" is so stark that there should be no confusion. Will it be Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America" or Barack Obama's "Hope and Change" that will resonate in your heart? You decide.

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