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Monday, November 21, 2011

Rhetoric versus reality

Obama's speeches that "we can't wait" for jobs and leaders to act hypocrisy, flys in the face of his political decision not to create jobs with the Keystone pipeline.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Socialism vs Capitalism

Obama bashing America trend

ABC News reported today "Obama told a group of CEOs today that the United States has gotten “lazy” and that America lost its hunger in promoting itself in a global marketplace." This trend of blaming America is not what a leader should aspire to do. Remember when he called Americans "soft" and also that we lost our "ambition"?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Occupy Logic

Robbing Peter to pay Paul inevitably makes us all poor. Read this.

The worst President

Ronald Reagan used to say that liberals know only how to tax and spend. If there was ever a man who embodies that aphorism, it is Barack Obama. He has no clue as to how a free-market economy works or why it produces economic prosperity. Obama continues to insist that government should determine what energy technologies we're going to have. Thus the debacle of Solyndra. Five hundred million dollars went down the drain needlessly. Government can't pick winners because it doesn't know how to do so. If a centrally planned socialist system worked, it would have produced prosperity in China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea. It didn't. Only a free-market system knows how to efficiently distribute resources. Read this and this.

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