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Sunday, October 23, 2011

OWS and the Tea Party

Does Occupy Wall Street share anything in common with the Tea Party?

What are some of Occupy Wall Street's guiding principles? Pitting people who make over $300,000 (the 1%) against their friends and family who make less (the 99%)? Pitting employers against employees? The OWS crowd opposes Wall Street bailouts, but supports massive government intervention in the economy and bailouts for mortgage and college debt. They say they oppose crony capitalism but support government takeover of major sectors of the economy. They oppose income inequality but don't explain how making people less wealthy will help the "99%."

Read more:

Halloween at the Obama's

Monday, October 17, 2011

This is OWS

President Obama supports the Occupy Wall Street crowd along with the American Nazi Party and the Communist Socialist Party. It makes me want to use the bathroom.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Attorney General of the USA is a liar

Documents have surfaced proving AG Eric Holder lied to Congress about when he knew about Operation Fast and Furious.
Read this recap of Fast and Furious.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Obamacare lies

The results are coming in on the lies, and that is a harsh word, perpetrated on the American public by Obamacare. Read this article.

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