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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Road Ahead

We are at crossroads in history. What is the path America will choose going forward? Please read this exceptional article in the Wall Street Journal by Shelby Steele, senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institute.

New Huntsman Ad

The Childish President

In an obvious move to anger Republicans, the President scheduled his upcoming "speech on jobs" for Sept. 7th at 8PM. That would conflict with the previously scheduled Republican debate on MSNBC. Without getting approval from both Houses of Congress the POTUS has set up another political battle he is sure to lose. Already House Speaker John Boehner and Senator Jim DeMint have called for rescheduling to Sept 8th which I'm sure the President will have to accept despite his tactics. This is why Americans hate politicians who, despite being downgraded, continue to act like children.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ATF Director scapegoat for Fast and Furious

In an apparent move to distance themselves from Operation Fast and Furious, the DOJ demoted acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson today. Also resigning was the US Attorney for Arizona and other top officials where the botched program originated. Read this article from CNN and watch this video on Fox's Greta Van Susteren's show.

Preview of President's jobs plan

The President gave an interview to Brian Williams of NBC News regarding his upcoming "plan" for jobs. The only problem with the interview was that it occured one year ago! No hope no change.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Affirmative Action President and the Domestic Terrorist

Do you ever wonder why President Barack Obama refuses to release his grades or LSAT scores from college? Obama wrote at Harvard "I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career..." This is the smoking gun in Obama's own words that have snared him. Read his own letter and connect the dots yourself.
This article in The American Thinker dispells the notion that Obama is an accomplished writer. Even Bill Ayers, Barack Obama's unrepentant domestic terrorist mentor, admitted to writing "Dreams From My Father" four years later. The mainstream media never uncovered or bothered to thoroughly investigate these questions. By doing a simple Google search you will find this and this out. Why is it OK to demand academic records and scrutinize associations of past Democratic or Republican Presidents and current Republican presidential candidates but never vet our current AA President?

Obama's greatest gaffes and goofs

This article goes on to list (so far) the President's gaffes and goofs on video.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Reaganomics vs Obamanomics

In this Wall Street Journal article author Stephen Moore compares and contrasts two different President's economic policies for the United States. This is the central question we as a nation have to decide and vote on in 2012. The approach of "Supply side economics" or "Keynesian economics" is so stark that there should be no confusion. Will it be Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America" or Barack Obama's "Hope and Change" that will resonate in your heart? You decide.

Strategy for 2012...Blame

It is increasingly clear that the administration will use the politics of blame to win a second term in 2012. In this article in read why this won't work. It's the policies, not politics that are the heart of Obama's Great Depression.

Mother Nature hits East Coast

Hurricane Irene slammed into NC today on its way up the Eastern US.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Barack Obama "drives" 174mph!

Michelle Obama spent $10M on vacations?

This article accuses First Lady Michelle Obama of spending $10 Million of taxpayer's money on vacations.

The hypocrisy of a dope

Should candidates or Presidents ever question the patriotism of an opponent's record or point of view?

Profile in American Conservative

This article in The American Conservative Magazine is an excellent read on Presidential candidate Jon Hunstman.
This is why I "audaciously" proclaimed him defeating Obama for President in 2012 back on June 23 on this blog. As more of the country gets to know who Jon Hunstman is and what he stands for, I believe my prediction will be vindicated. These are serious times in our country and we need a serious candidate to articulate the vision needed to lead us forward.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jon Huntsman on This Week

Read also this great article in Vogue.

Paul Ryan announces

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-S.C.) announced today he is not running for the Presidency of the United States. He was encouraged to run as a candidate because many believed his vision added clarity and credibility to the debate on deficits and debt.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The President on vacation

Read and see pictures of the President and his family on vacation in Martha's Vineyard on a $50,000 per week estate. Note also in the article that Michelle Obama took a seperate jet to arrive just 4 hours earlier costing thousands to taxpayers. When the President calls for "shared sacrifice" in his speeches it doesn't apply to him does it? Don't leaders lead by example?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The essence of ineffective government

When the President dismissed a local farmer's question on government regulations and told him to call the USDA for help...a reporter did and this is the result.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Car Salesman in Chief

The President in this article in the Weekly Standard lied about the Government's role in the auto bailouts. Read his exact words.
And don't forget taxpayers lost $1.3 billion on Chrysler's bailout. This guy is a good Car salesman! Trust him.

President takes for granted black voters

The first black President of the United States is going to hear from the Congressional Black Caucus and black voters an earful.

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Black voters overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama by 95% in 2008. That support is still high today yet black unemployment is "unconscionable" and stubbornly high. Why should Obama focus on a community that he knows will still vote for him in 2012 regardless of the facts? Read this article and watch the brutally honest video of Allen West saying that black leaders are overseers of 21st century plantations!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

President want the rich to pay more

This is the bottom line of the POTUS. Warren Buffett agrees with him. Read this article in today's Wall Street Journal and this article from CNS News.

ATF promotes Fast and Furious supervisors

The 3 key supervisors who oversaw the illegal Fast and Furious operations were rewarded and promoted to Washington DC. Read this article in the LA Times and this article in Townhall.

Herman Cain ad

Monday, August 15, 2011

A picture of two future leaders

Do pictures really paint a thousand words? Well I won't waste any words judge for yourself. Here's a picture of a young community organizer Barack Obama and a picture of a young Captain Rick Perry.

Keep hope alive

Remember candidate Obama's message of hope?
Well this young supporter of the President still believes that "it'll be good...someday." Watch the President's reaction. Also in the same town hall meeting today Obama flip flops with his position as a candidate back on Ellen DeGeneres's show in 2008 on Obamacare's individual mandate. His hope is that the Supreme Court will find it constitutional. He said today that it "should not be controversial."

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Unemployment creates jobs?!

This is the logic of the White House. No wonder our country is in such trouble. Read this article in the Washington Times.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Gov. Rick Perry for President

Governor Rick Perry of Texas announced today his candidacy for President of the United States at a Redstate gathering in South Carolina. This introductory video was posted on his website.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Comic recap of this week

Who lied?

Do you remember this exchange back on Sept 9 2009 when Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) shouted out "You Lie!" to President Obama's statement on healthcare for illegal immigrants?
Well it turns out that Joe Wilson was right. Read this article in CNS News.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

President pays respect to the dead

Today the President of the United States paid respect to the 30 American soldiers killed in this weekend's Afghanistan helicopter tragedy.

Sarah Palin is a leader

Today Sarah Palin in this Facebook post articulated brilliantly the vision and solutions needed to restore America back to greatness.

President Obama in his speech yesterday was truly uninspiring at this moment of crisis and could not even outline a plan as specific and masterful as Palin has. This truly exemplifies the differences between substance and empty rhetoric. This article in the LA Times is worth the read.

Empty promises

This ad by Tim Pawlenty speaks volumes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The buck stops here Mr. President

"The buck stops here" is a phrase that was used by President Harry S. Truman, who kept a sign with that phrase on his desk in the Oval Office. The phrase refers to the fact that the President has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions. President Truman would not "pass the buck" to anyone else. President Truman accepted personal responsibility for the way the country was governed and the state of the economy.
Is this what President Obama did in his speech this afternoon? On the contrary. This President has never personally accepted any responsibility for any decisions he enacted that might have harmed our country and its economy. It's not his policies of bank bailouts, auto bailouts, a nearly trillion dollar stimulus, "cash for clunkers", 99 weeks of unemployment, housing credits, new job destroying financial regulations, and finally Obamacare with new tax regulations that would raise costs for everyone that are hurting the economy. The President blamed the ratings agency, Japanese earthquake and tsunami, European uncertainty, Arab unrest, Republican political gridlock, George W. Bush, oil companies, corporate jet owners and finally, millionaires and billionaires who don't pay their "fair" share of taxes for the state of our economy. By the time he finished "reassuring" our country that we are a still a "AAA" rated country and that things would get better, the stock market had another historic crash today and dropped another 600 points. Read this article in the Wall Street Journal for one perspective and this article in The New York Times for another perspective.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

R.I.P. Keynesian Obamanomics

The state of our economy can be attributed to the policies enacted by the President whether he will admit responsibility for it or not. This article written in The American Spectator outlines clearly the Keynesian policies Obama has championed. The storms of uncertainty unleashed by the President has to change.
Update Oct 9,2011 Read this article as well.

President predicts one term for himself

Can we believe anything the President says? I certainly agree with what he said in this video. Read this excellent article.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

You go girl!

Businesswoman wants Obama to apologize for...

Friday, August 5, 2011

President makes history today in a BAD way

For the first time in US history we have lost our sterling AAA credit rating. Standard and Poor's downgraded our country's credit to AA+. The POTUS will go down in history as the President who ruined our credit rating. This is a significant historic and symbolical event.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Picture from Obama's birthday bash

Unfortunately no actual pictures or press were allowed at Obama's birthday party at the White House. Guests did report that the President led a Conga line in the East Room as the Dow did the Limbo.

America at a cross road

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